Apple iPhone 6 series also exploded?


Apple iPhone is a leader in the mobile phone industry,but there are still some problems when Consumers using them.The responsible is the phone itself or Mobile phone accessories? It is the question that our need to consider.

Today I saw a news about the iPhone,Apple iPhone 6 series also exploded?This made me very surprised.Before the iPhone was powering off itself the Apple mobile phone company has been responded and gave the solution,However,One after another,Today the media broadcast the apple cell phone for no reason to explode the event.In Ms. Chen During driving,IPhone 6 Plus suddenly exploded on the leg side,At that time,just  heard the phone "bang".She quickly put the phone outside the car,Lucky,No one was hurt in there.The another accident was  when iphone was charging have explosion occurred.

These iphone events tell the Mobile phone business and mobile phone accessoriesmanufacturers,making a good job in terms of quality,just to protect the safety of customers